
Most of my work for educational publishers has been creating the overall messaging for products and both national and state-specific campaigns. Once the messaging is approved by all stakeholders, I and my team write all of the deliverables for each campaign.

Messaging and copy for campaigns

Most of my work for educational publishers has been creating the overall messaging for products and both national and state-specific campaigns. Once the messaging is approved by all stakeholders, I (and other writers) create all of the deliverables for each campaign.

i-Ready Pro

This video is the centerpiece for the launch of a new middle school program called i-Ready Pro. The final script here is almost identical to my first draft, all of the dialog aligns precisely with established messaging pillars . . . but the sincerity is what matters here. The product marketing director who worked on this video with me is a very talented middle school volleyball coach, and the students in the video are all players she coaches.


This is the very simple email that shared the video (above) with current i-Ready customers.


These are the three main messaging pillars and descriptive copy I wrote for i-Ready Pro.


Magnetic Reading

Curriculum Associates has two very different Magnetic Reading programs: a Grades 3–5 reading comprehension program and a new Grades K–2 foundational skills program. I united the two programs under a story about “The Art and Science of Reading,” where the incredible skill involved in the art of teaching connects with the evidence-based Science of Reading. I also created the “Foundations to Fluency” tagline.


This is an introductory spread I wrote for the Magnetic Reading K–5 brochure. The page on the right introduces the three messaging pillars.


Curriculum Associates had the honor of partnering with the National Alliance of Black School Educators to sponsor a screening of the film The Right to Read. I wrote the script for this introductory video using much of the established messaging for Magnetic Reading.


This is state-specific Magnetic Reading campaign messaging that I wrote as a direct response to the shortcomings of a competitor’s program.



Messaging for this campaign was about how Polaris, a new program for writing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), could help educators with communication, collaboration, and compliance. The big overall message—and the completely true emotional connection—was that the product can improve student outcomes and really change lives.


This is the story I wrote for Polaris, which builds to educators mapping better outcomes and brighter futures for their students with special needs.


This was one of the highest performing Facebook posts of the year.


This is the eighth and final email I wrote for the campaign.